If you sold 10 or more cookie dough items, you will have the opportunity to visit 3 food trucks this Thursday.
Homeroom teachers- please share the menus. Bring $$ on Thursday if you want to make purchases. Food Trucks will be here during CavTime. Wear a jacket and dress accordingly to be outside!! Everyone who sold 10 or more will get time outside even if you don't want to make any purchases.
Homeroom teachers- please share the menus. Bring $$ on Thursday if you want to make purchases. Food Trucks will be here during CavTime. Wear a jacket and dress accordingly to be outside!! Everyone who sold 10 or more will get time outside even if you don't want to make any purchases.
Everyone will get to go outside during CavTime this Friday for reaching $75,000 goal for cookie dough! Dress accordingly and wear a jacket! Friday will also be HAT Day! Must be school-appropriate.
Students trying out for Archery today are to stay in their 7th period class until all remaining is called at 3:15. You will then report straight to the cafeteria. Tryouts will end at 5:30.
The Dance will be held on December 18th. Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria the week before between 7:15-7:50 am.