Power Up Your Presentations

Different Ideas for Student Presentations

Session Descriptor:

Session Descriptor:

Looking for a new idea for student presentations? During this in-service, we will learn how to use a variety of apps and other free web-based presentation tools. Explore fun alternatives to traditional presentations in any subject area. Bring an existing lesson and leave with a presentation ready for classroom use.

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  • Teachers will determine how presentations are incorporated into their state standards.
  • Teachers will explore various tools used to present content.
  • Teachers will create content using various tools.
Success Criteria

Success Criteria


  • Teachers can log in to selected tools.
  • Teachers can create content/projects using the selected tools.
  • Teachers can share projects created using the selected tools.



Bell Work


Why are student presentations important in today's classroom? Find the corresponding standards for your grade level using the TN State Standards. (Use Ctrl + f to search your standards for the word “presentation”)


Check Out These Options

Time to Choose

Think about which tool you feel like could be used in your classroom for your students.


1. Create an Account

2. Begin creating a presentation with that tool.

3. Share your creation.