
Please release the girls' soccer team at 2:45 today for their game at Stewarts Creek.
If you are interested in playing golf, see Coach Tobitt, if you haven't already done so.
Any student interested in selling slushies during 4th & 5th periods, please see Coach Tobitt.
Remember the Invest in your Cavalier Donation Drive is still going on.  Our next collection day is THIS Friday, Sept 6th.  Students don't miss your chance to earn your Cavalier Carnival and Siegel SprinT wristbands.
Yearbook wants to announce a limited time offer of the lowest yearbook price of $40 with free icons, until September 13th.  Don't miss out on this limited time offer. Best price of this school year.
September is attendance awareness month.  At Siegel Middle, we want to make sure that you are well prepared for your future.  Did you know that attendance can significantly impact your learning?  Students who miss l0% of school, which is about 18 days total, miss out on about 4 weeks of learning.  Missing two days a month can mean that you miss over 100 lessons.  Strive to be at school all day, every day.  And, stay tuned to the announcements.  Later this week, we will introduce our September attendance incentives and rewards.
Periodically, we are going to challenge the faculty and students to "cav missions".  The goal of the missions will be to build relationships, learn from each other and spread positivity!  The first missions focused on building relationships and spreading positivity.  Next, we are going to focus on learning from each other & cooperation!
Faculty/Staff Mission 3:  Focus on cooperation in your classroom by planning lessons that involve teams of students working together to accomplish the goal.  Student Mission 3:  During all group activities in your classes, focus on being a good teammate by contributing to the group, listening to others and having a positive attitude.