
Tomorrow is the last turn in day for wristbands for the Friday Carnival. The Cavalier Carnival is this Friday!!!
All food bought in cafeteria needs to be consumed in the cafeteria. Do not take to locker or to other classes.
Any student who handcrafted a ceramic bowl in Sept. needs to come pick it up this week!
Girl's Basketball tryouts will be Oct. 14th form 3:15 to 5:15. You must fill out and turn in all paperwork and upload onto Dragonfly in order to tryout. This information is on the school girl's basketball website. See Coach Walters if you have questions.
Students participating in October Book Club will meet in the library tomorrow at 3:15.
Our first Gamers Club meeting of the year will be Wednesday, Oct. 16th (first Wed. after Fall Break). If you have questions see Mr. Hardin during non-academic time.
Boys Basketball tryouts will be Tuesday Oct. 15th after school. All players must submit tryout paperwork to Dragonfly BEFORE Oct. 15th. Paperwork and info. can be found on the Boys Basketball web page.
Fall Break starts next week. We will be closed from Oct. 7th thru the 11th.