
There will be a Builder's Club Meeting this Wednesday, Nov. 6th, from 3:15 to 4:15 in Mrs. Steward's room 114. Anyone who turned in an application is welcome to attend.
Tonight is Siegel Student Council Night at McAllisters Deli on Memorial Blvd. Everyone that eats at McAllister's from 5pm to close will be helping to raise money for our trip to the Southern Association of Student Councils Leadership Conference. Ten percent of every bill will be donated to Student Council. Please come out and support us.
All Student Council Members have a meeting tomorrow in room 306 from 3:15 to 4:15. Rides need to pick you up out front. If you cannot attend you must pick-up paperwork from Mrs. Thornton in room 306.
The Siegel Swim Team won many ribbons and qualified for Regionals!! Way to go Siegel Swim!!!
Progress Reports come out tomorrow, Wednesday.
Thursday is a Half Day, will dismiss at 11:15.