
Drama: The first Tech. Tuesday for Drama Club will be Tuesday, Dec. 10th from 3:30-5:00 in room 106. Make sure to pick up paperwork and get it in before attending this meeting.
Congratulations to the cast of, The Outsiders< which is posted on the Drama/Choir bulletin board. Those cast members will need to pick up scripts and calendars from Ms. Parker as soon as possible. Don't forget read=through today 3:30 to 5:00.
Big News! The Bargain Bin is back! Come check it out. All items in the Bargain Bin are only 10 points!
Students who sold 10 or more items will be able to play in dodge ball tournament at Payoff on Dec. 19th. Teams will be chosen on Monday. after Character Trait on Monday, all qualified students will report to cafeteria to choose teams.
Spirit Week: Tomorrow is Parent Trap Tuesday. 
Wednesday-Monsters University Wednesday.
Thursday- Siegel Spirit and Pep Rally.