8th Grade STEM Students need to register by this tomorrow for meals. See Mrs. Harris's web page and click where it says CLICK HERE to register.
If you are interested in trying out for Track Mon. Feb. 3rd and have your physical cleared and parent consent form completed, turn those into Coach Argo tomorrow morning by 8am. If not you must bring those 2 documents Monday to Coach Argo.
Banana Bucks update: 1st=6B, 2nd=6C, 3rd=8A. Student Council Reps will be around today and tomorrow.
The Show Night Tech Crew List will be posted on the drama bulletin board and website today. Tech Tuesdays will continue as planned through the production of the Outsiders. The next Tech Tuesday topic is Lights. Any questions, see Ms. King.
Tomorrow is ACE!! Starting at 11:35.