
The Softball Team will host a dance on Feb. 27th from 6:00 to 8:00. Stay tuned to announcements this week for more information on where and when you can purchase tickets.
8th Grade Parent Night will be Thursday, Feb. 20th at 6:00. Very valuable info about High School Registration.
Page Masters Book Club has been rescheduled again to next Thursday, Feb. 20th from 3:15 to 4:15.
If you are a 6th or 7th Grade Student, you may apply to be a member of Beta Club. Pick up an application from Mrs. Cheuvront in room 211. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 28th with a copy of your report card.
There is NO Choir Rehearsal today. Fine Arts Night auditions will take place this Friday and next Wednesday the 26th.
Wednesday will be College Day--wear your favorite college gear!
Congratulations to Majka Tester, Samuel Mobley, Christian Ferguson, Riya Hira, and Jaylen Thompson for correctly identifying last weeks emoji title as " See you on a Starry Night"
Beginning today, we will start our new attendance reward. This month's attendance reward is for tardies to school. The grade-level that has the lowest percentage of tardies to 1st period beginning today through Feb. 28th will receive an attendance break.