
If you are a 6th or 7th grade student, you may apply to be a member of Beta Club. Pick up application from Mrs. Cheuvront in room 211. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 28th with a copy of your report card.
Korean Language and Culture Club will meet on Tues. Feb. 25th at 3:15 to 4:15 in Mrs. Tyus room 205.
Softball will host Oakland at 4:00 tonight for a scrimmage. This was not originally on the Feb. Calendar. Come support your Lady Cavs!!
Drama Club TODAY: All drama students should report at 3:15 to Mrs. Parker's room 106. 
There will be a Builders Club meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 3:15 in Mrs. Steward's room. Please have your ride here at 4:15 sharp!!
8th Grade STEM expo will be held in April. Announcements concerning the invention convention are for 6th grade STEM students only.
Tickets for the dance will be on sale this week in cafe hallway. Tickets are $5 or free if you have 200 or more live school points.
Invention Convention Participants: This Thursday you will meet in the library at 8am. The bus will leave at 3:30. You will need to bring a sack lunch! Don't forget about practice Tues./Wed. during CAV Time in library. See Mrs. Darnell in room 314 for questions.