
CHEER ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you interested in trying out for the 2020-2021 Siegel Middle Cheer Squad? A mandatory parent-athlete meeting will be held on Monday, 2/23 at 6:00 in the auditorium. Both cheerleader and parent MUST attend or you cannot tryout. If you have an issue with this meeting date, you must contact Coach Conner or Coach Ayers before the meeting. Packets are only given out at the mandatory meeting.
There will be a Drama meeting today from 3:30 to 4:30 for those who auditioned for Night of the Arts for Drama Club, and those who wish to participate for Night of the Arts from Drama Club. This includes actors, singers, dancers, and tech. crew from the drama department. The meeting will be in room 106.
Due to many author cancellations, the 2020 Seya Festival has been cancelled. Unfortunately, those planning on attending the Seya Festival on Friday will not be able to go. The PageMasters Book Club students who were planning on attending, and turned in a permission slip will report to the library on Friday for 2nd and 3rd periods to skype with some of the Seya authors. Teachers, refer to my email in regards to which students should be excused from 2nd and 3rd period this Friday.
Buy hot Domino's pizza and have it delivered to you during lunch on Friday for only 35 Live Points!! Stop by the store this week on your designated morning to make your purchase and sign the list. 
There will be a Beta Club meeting on Thursday at 7:15 in the library. This meeting is mandatory for all 6th and 7th grade members and it is optional for 8th grade members.
Tomorrow is a half day, we will dismiss at 11:15
Friday is Bank Day!!
Congratulations to Coach Phillips for being Teacher of the Month!!!