
Please send all 8th grade 
Ambassadors to Ms. Conners office (room 102) during Cav Time today. Make sure to check in with your teacher first. 
Dance practice for today has been cancelled! Please allow dancers to contact parents during non-academic times.
Join Siegel Singers today!! Contact Mrs. Sheetz in room 806 for more information.
Drama Club will meet Wednesday and Friday until 5:00. October 21st and 23rd.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we age going to designate next week as Breast Cancer Awareness Week at Siegel Middle. Students, faculty and staff are all encouraged to purchase Pink Ribbons and or Pink Bracelets in honor or memory of someone or to simply contribute to the cause. The ribbons and bracelets will be $1 and will be sold next Monday-Thursday in the cafeteria 7:15 to 7:50. If you purchase a ribbon, you may write your name or another person's name that you are honoring on the ribbon. These will be displayed in the hallway. Also, next Friday, Oct. 30th will be PINK OUT DAY! We encourage everyone to wear pink!!!!!
Parent Teacher Conferences are this afternoon and evening!! Email your teachers to verify or to set up appointments.
Next Wed. Oct. 28th is Cookie Dough money turn in day!!