
Gamers Inc. will not be meeting this week. Permission slips for the Dec. 8th event will be available in my room 804 starting  Thursday the 19th. 
Cookie Dough PJ Day will be this Friday Dec. 20th. Virtual payoff will be Dec. 16th which will include challenges, 6th grade in school movie, 5 + sales ice cream party and 20+ sales cash cube!!!
Thursday's cheer practice is cancelled.
Distance Learners--We would love to feature YOU in the yearbook! If you are interested in participating, visit the yearbook page on the school website for instructions!!
Homerooms- don't forget about the homeroom photo contest!! Pictures are due to Mrs. Hardiman by Dec. 3rd.
Any student who is interested in auditioning for a part in Oklahoma should attend the drama club meeting today from 3:30 to 5:00.
We have rescheduled our tech crew meeting that was cancelled last week for tomorrow, Nov. 19th 3:30 to 5:00.
All cookie dough will be delivered to Siegel Middle on Friday, Nov. 20th. Pick up will begin at 4:00 and end at 7:00. Those with 6 or less may ride bus home,