Athletic Developement Open Gym at Siegel High info, see Coach Argo.
Cheer Tryout info and forms to complete are on the Cheer website and must be completed by April 1st. Will have open gym starting on April 5th at Legacy Athletics. Please drop by Coach Conner's office room 102 to pick up a flyer about open gym.
Golf has been cancelled today.
Bowling Team check your school email for a message from Mrs. Nara!
6th or 7th grade who would like to apply for Beta Club may fill out the application on the Beta Website. Students should have a 93 semester average and excellent classroom behavior. The last day to apply is Tuesday, March 2ns.
Congratulations to the following for their Regional Wrestling Awards in their weight classes; Regional Champs- Chase Creque and Josh Miller 4th place- Malachi Russell and Chase Hall. 5th place - Hunter Bradford. 1st-4th places will compete in Championship this weekend at Wilson Co. Convention Ctr. Congratulations!!!