
Cavs Mart Sale Alert: Note bookpaper is on sale this week for 10 points. It's a great time to refill those binders.
If you applied to be in Beta Club, please check your school email. If you did not get an email, please contact Mrs. Cheuvront.
8th graders: If you are interested in learning about color guard, join Ms. Nelson and Mrs. Hester for the first of 2 Color Guard Fundamentals Clinics! Meetings will be Monday, Mar. 15 and Monday, Mar 22 from 3:30 to 5:00. Meet in the hallway between the cafeteria and gym. See Ms. Nelson in room 952 or Mrs. Hester in room 107 for a permission form that must be turned in to Ms. Nelson or Mrs. Hester by Friday, Mar. 12th.
Siegel Baseball won their first game yesterday against Oakland 5-3. Thanks to an outstanding defensive play by Kevin Endsley.
Congratulations to our Track and Field Team for placing 1st overall in the Girls and Boys Teams meet this past Saturday. There were lots of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from Siegel. Too many to list!! Congratulations!
We would like to recognize CHASE BANDY for setting the school record in the Pacer Test. He ran 130 laps. The average laps for a teen age male is 55 laps.
If you were unable to attend yesterday's drama interest meeting, audition information and an overview of the play can be found on the drama website. Any student interested in auditioning or being part of tech crew needs to see Ms. King or Ms. Parker for paperwork during non-academic times. 
If you are interested in Siegel Middle School Cheer Squad, you must go to the SMS Cheer website and complete the Microsoft Form by April 1st. This will make sure your parents get all the tryout information and paperwork! We also have open gym starting on April 5th at Legacy Athletics. Please stop by Coach Conner's office room 1002, to pick up a flyer about open gym!