Dancers need to come by Coach Risner's room during non-academic time to pick up a picture day flyer.
Congratulations to the Siegel Middle School Bowling Team on their hard fought win against Smyrna yesterday. A Special "Congratulations" to Addison Alvarez and Patrick Waters for their highest scores of the season!
Notebook paper is on sale this week for 10 points. It's a great time to refill those binders.
If you applied to be in Beta Club, please check your school email. If you did not get an email, please contact Mrs. Cheuvront.
8th Graders: If you are interested in learning Color Guard, join Ms. Nelson and Mrs. Hester for the first of 2 Color Guard Fundamental Clinics. Meetings will be Monday, Mar. 15th and Monday, Mar. 22 form 3:30 to 5:00. Meet in the hallway between the cafeteria and gym. See Ms. Nelson in 952 or Mrs. Hester in 107 for a permission form that must be turned in by Friday, March 12th.
Siegel Middle Cheer forms on the Cheer Website must be complete by April 1st. We also have open gym starting on April 5th at Legacy Athletics. Please stop by Coach Conner's office 102, to pick up a flyer about open gym!
SPRING BREAK is March 29th thru 26th.