It is important to be on time to school . Please leave your home in plenty of time to make it to school by 7:45. It is very disruptive to the class when you enter late. Take into consideration the traffic and the weather and leave in plenty of time so you are not late.
Check the Cheer website if you are interested in trying out. Coach Conner has some flyers for open gym in room 102.
The Varsity Boys Soccer Team lost 2-0 to Stewarts Creek last night. The JV won 2-0.
Students interested in Color Guard can come to the clinic to learn the basics. Clinic is Monday, 3/22 in front of the gym from 3:30 to 5:00. See Ms. Nelson to pick up a form.
Siegel Basketball lost their home opener yesterday to Stewarts Creek, despite a great effort by the team.
Spring Break is March 29th thru April 1st.