
Please dismiss the boys soccer team at 3:00 for their game vs Oakland today.
Teachers and Students: There is NO 8th period today due to Faculty meeting.
FCA is a student led Christian Organization here at Siegel Middle. Although our traditional large group meetings have not been possible this year, please check out our FCA webpage to view a recorded weekly devotional. To find the FCA webpage, start from Siegel Middle's homepage and click on "Students" then on "Clubs and Activities".
Siegel Singers will be offering SINGING GRAMS this Wed., Thurs. and Friday. Provide the gift of song for your friends along with a special message of kindness! Singing Grams are only $5 and can be purchased form 7:15am to 7:45 am at your arrival locations. More detailed info will be provided tomorrow morning.
Progress Reports come out Wednesday the 14th. 
Testing begins next week. All students will need to be present and on time and staying for the full day.