Tomorrow after announcements, Ms. Boone will need to meet with the Design Teams in her room. Room 404
Next week will be the last week to spend your prints in CavsMart.
Come on by and shop.
Come on by and shop.
Math Team members come to P8 tomorrow (May 13th) at 8:05. Make sure your teacher marks you present before you leave.
If you would like to apply for STEM Academy, you can get an application from your science teacher or Mr. Adcock. You can also apply online on Mr. Adcock's website. All applications are due by Friday May 21st.
The Cavalier Soccer Team defeated Stewarts Creek 2-0 on Monday in the County Tournament. The boiys fell to Rock Springs 1-0 in the semi finals yesterday in a well played game. Good Job!!
The last day to return your library books is this Friday!!! Please check your backpack, home, car, etc. to help track down checked out books. There are currently 473 books still checked out. Let's all work together to get it down go zero!!
If you are interested in the Healthcare Field, it's time to apply for the Health Science Program for next year. This is a fun yet challenging course that introduces you to many aspects of the medical field and includes lots of hands-on lessons. Whether you want to be a doctor or a physical therapist, an athletic trainer or a nurse, the things you will learn in this course will be a great foundation for high school Health Science classes and your future career. Please see your Science teachers today for an application, which must be turned in by Friday, May 21st to Mrs. Yates.
Honors Night is tomorrow night at 6:00 in the Gym.
The last day of school is a 2 1/2 hour day on Thursday the 27th. If you would like to send in a self addressed envelope to your homeroom teacher, big enough for them to send your papers home to you, then you will not be counted absent that day.