A LIMITED number of school show tickets will be sold tomorrow morning only. This will be on a first come, first serve basis.
Please allow football players to take fundraiser money to Coach Argo in the gym office during HR.
On Friday, the Design Team will report to room 404 after announcements. Mrs. Boones and Mrs. Jacobs 1st-3rd period students will report to the cafeteria.
Boys Basketball summer tryouts will take place on Thursday, May 27th from 1 to 2:30. Anyone interested must have ALL paperwork on DragonFly BEFORE May 27th at 1:00!
Girls Basketball: Upcoming 7th and 8th grade tryouts will be on Monday, May 24th from 3:15 to 5:00. Upcoming 6th grade tryouts will be on Friday, May 28th from 3 to 5. You must have a updated physical completed along with the tryout packet filled out and uploaded onto Dragonfly to participate. Please see Coach Walters or check the girls basketball webpage for more information.
Friday during ACE, we will recognize our students who have made Principal's List all year with a special lunch! Students, you will receive an invitation from your homeroom teacher on Friday morning. Please keep up with this and do not lose it. This invitation will be your ticket out of class. At 10:40, please go directly to the cafeteria for your special luch instead of going to homeroom. Congratulations on all your hard work.
Yearbook Distribution on Tuesday the 25th.
Wednesday the 26th NO SCHOOL, this is a teacher workday.
Thursday the 27th, Last day of school is a 2 hour day 8 to 10.