Report Cards come home tomorrow.
Book Fair Week begins Monday Oct. 18th!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be Thursday Oct. 21st from 3:15 to 6:30
Picture Retakes and Sports/Club Pictures will be taken on Tuesday Oct. 26th.
There is a HOSA meeting today after school for anyone interested in a career in healthcare. You do not have to be enrolled in Health Science. Meeting is in Mrs. Yate's room 406 until 4:30.
NO GAMERS TODAY! We will meet on Wed. Oct. 20th. Please allow students to call home during non-academic time if needed.
Stiegel is starting a Remote Control Cars Club! Join us for an informational meeting on Wed. Oct. 13th in room 309 if you are interested in joining. The meeting will be from 3:15 to 4:00.
FCA will meet in the library for our weekly meeting this Friday. All grade levels are welcome. Join anytime between 7:20 and 7:45 am.
Wrestling Info for 6th thru 8th meeting is tomorrow at 6pm in the Siegel High Cafeteria.