Mrs.Boone's and Mr. Adcock's classes will meet in the Auditorium today.
Drama Club practice is today. For more info. check the Drama Website.
Tuesday Feb. 22nd, 2022 will be "TWOS"day at Siegel Middle. We will have several fun activities throughout the day. The dress-up theme will be "Two of a Kind" which means you could wear 2 different shoes, 2 different socks, 2 different earrings, 2 ponytails, 2 hats, etc. Remember that you must remain in dress code!!
In homeroom students will choose 2 teachers/staff members and write them a note about how GREAT they are!! Notecards will be provided.
We will have a fun guessing game! Classes will guess how many 2's are on the wall display on way to the cafeteria. Students will submit their guesses to their lunch period teacher. The 2 classes who are the closest without going over will win a prize!!
We will be out of school this Monday, Feb. 21st for Presidents Day!