
Career Day!!
Congratulations to the Boys Soccer Team for their 5-1 semi-final win last night. The championship is today at 5:00 vs. Lavergne. The game will be at Siegel High School.
Monday you may sign-up for Dodgeball and Kickball Tournaments that will be played during Sprint! Signups will be in Cafeteria before school. Each Team will consist of 10 players and each individual may only play for 1 team. Price is $1.00 per player. All money must be turned in at the same time with the completed form. 
The 8th Grade Field Trip to Siegel High is Wednesday, May 18th. Please remember to return your permission form to your homeroom teacher by Monday, May 16th. You MUST return a signed permission form to attend. This is a great opportunity for you to visit the high school and learn about their programs!!
Sprint Collection Day will be Tuesday the 17th and Thursday the 19th.
May 24th, Yearbook Distribution.
8th Grade Farewell is Wed. the 25th
We will be out of school on Thursday the 26th, and Friday is a 2 hour day to pick up report cards.