Gamers Inc. will have our first meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 14th. We will meet in Room 404 from 3:15-4:30 and dismiss out the cafeteria. Please stop by Mr. Hardin's room (511) for permission slips.
There will be a Beta Club meeting for all current Siegel Beta Club members at 7:15 am in the music room (806) tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 14th.
If you're interested in Wrestling and missed the meeting, see Coach Pfeiffer for an informational packet.
Student council members have a meeting tomorrow afternoon from 3:15-4:30 in the media center. Please have your ride here on time for pick up.
STEM Club will start meeting next week on Monday. Meet in Mr. Adcock's room at 3:15. Do not come if you don't have a ride at 5:00 pm.