If you're interested in Wrestling and missed the meeting, see Coach Pfeiffer for an informational packet.
Girls basketball tryouts are on Tuesday, September 27th, from 3:15-5:00 pm. You must have a physical and all of the paperwork uploaded onto Dragonfly to try out. See the girls basketball webpage or Coach Walters if you have questions.
Dodgeball and kickball tournaments will be held during the Carnival. Sign ups will begin Monday before school in the cafeteria. The cost is $10/team. Teams can only consist of 10 members. Students can only be on one kickball and one dodgeball team. Stop by the table in the cafeteria before school on Monday to register, or if you have questions.
Teachers & students: The Cavalier Carnival permission slips and information letter are in teacher mailboxes. Teachers please pass out during homeroom today. Students you must have the permission slip signed and returned to your homeroom teacher in order to participate in the Carnival. You may return the permission slips starting tomorrow to your homeroom teacher.
Mark this date in your agenda! Next Wednesday is See You at the Pole. Please join our FCA club in the back parking lot by the cafeteria for this annual event. Student groups all over the world will be gathering to remember our leaders and pray for our world. Our meeting is 7:15-7:45 am. Hope to see you there!
There will be NO boys basketball practice/tryouts for new people on Monday, Sept 26th, due to volleyball tryouts. We will now have practice/tryouts on Wednesday, Sept 28th, after school. Only students who did not attend tryouts in July and have spoken to Coach Lee in person may attend on Wednesday.
The tennis team had another great week with victories over Thurman Francis and Oakland. Our girls' team is still undefeated, as well as Kirk Lalance for the boys.
Reminder that the Stem Club will meet on Monday next week. It starts at All Remaining and ends at 5:00 pm. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Wray, Mrs. Jacobs or Mr. Adcock.