
Picture make ups will be done tomorrow.  Retakes will be allowed only for students who have a note from their parents in their agendas.  The following clubs will need to be ready for group pictures: 1st semester Study Buds, Siegel Vision, Robotics, Office Workers, Library Workers, Beta Club, Gamers, Student Ambassadors, Yearbook Staff, Hosa Officers, Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Tennis and Dance.  See your coach or sponsor for details.
Student council members will have a meeting Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 in the media center.  Please have your ride pick you up at the front of the building.
Our Cross Country teams ran well at the State meet!  The boys team finished 10th overall, and the girls team finished 13th overall.  Congratulations!
There will be no Stem Club meeting today.
Archery tryouts will be October 24th from 3:30-5:30 in the cafeteria.  You must have a physical and all paperwork completed and turned in to Coach Gray before you can tryout.
History Club members please plan for a group photo on Tuesday.  New and aspiring members welcome!
Report Cards will be coming home on Oct. 13th.