
Any Student Council member attending the field trip on Friday needs to turn in their delegate form to Mrs. Thornton in P2 as soon as possible.
Siegel Middle Cheer will be hosting our Silent Auction on Thursday, 11/17 from 5:30 to 7:30 in the cafeteria. come get a jump start on your holiday shopping! All the money we raise helps our squad compete at Nationals at Disney World in Orlando Florida! Thank you
History Club will meet in room 208 on Thursday, Nov. 17th from 3:15-4:30.
HOSA meeting Wed. for all members, Dr. Smith, a veterinarian, will be here to tell us about her career and will be bringing a special surprise. You don't want to miss it! 
Today is Head to Toe Health Day! Join us tomorrow for Healthcare Superheroes Day by wearing Superhero Gear to honor medical professionals who work so hard to take care of us!
*** Cookie Dough pickup will be this Friday, Nov. 18th from 3:30 to 6:30 in back of the school building. Look for signs and park in a parking space. Students with orders of 1-6 items may carry the orders home on the bus or a s a walker.  Students with orders of 1-8 items may carry the orders home as a car rider. 
Larger orders will be picked up in back this Friday between 3:30 and 6:30. 
Thank you