
Gamers Club will not meet this Wednesday, Dec. 14th. We will pick back up after Christmas Break.
HOSA will have Christmas Party after school tomorrow Tues. the 13th in Mrs. Boone's room. Please have your ride here promptly at 6:00pm.
The November RT12B Reward will Wednesday. Students who did not have a dean or office referral for the entire month of Nov. will have the opportunity to purchase Kona Ice during rec time on Wednesday.
There will be NO boys soccer conditioning this week. Boys interested in trying out for boys soccer must follow the instructions on the soccer webpage ASAP.
We currently have a few spots available in FITNESS Class for Q3 and Q4. If you are interested, email Mrs. Lee. Please do not email if you had Fitness Q1 or Q2. Sending an email does not guarantee enrollment.
History Cub will be having their 1940's USO Christmas Party on Thursday, Dec. 15th in from 208 from 3:30 to 4:30. Please remember to bring a pair of unwrapped socks for a gift exchange. If needed, members can purchase socks from HOSA in cafeteria.
Track interested meeting Tuesday at 5:00pm in the cafeteria.
All Cavaliers interested in bowling need to complete the Jersey Order Form by Wednesday, Dec. 14th. The form is on the Siegel Middle Bowling page. Email Coach Long-Lee or Coach Naran for help.

All items in lost and found will be donated to Goodwill on Wed. Dec. 14th. If you are missing an item, please check lost and found during non-academic times before Wed. 
Don't forget the FCCLA Sock Sale. We will be selling before school each morning in the cafeteria. Socks make great gifts for friends and family. Each pair is $5
Cookie Dough Payoff Glow Party will be this Thursday. 
This Friday is a 2 hour day from 8 to 10 and we will return on Jan. 4th.