Student Council: All members need to check email and sign up to bring an item for our room service project.
We have reached our school goal and raised $2,037.91 for the American Heart Association. Great job!! With that being said, all exploratory classes will meet in the gym today for our reward dodgeball day.
Math Team 2023 Tryouts are open to all 6th-8th graders, regardless of what math class you are in. The Math Team competes in the annual MTSU math contest. Tryout dates are Feb. 21st from 3:15 to 4:30 in Portable 8. See Mrs. Birkey's webpage for more information.
Pizza will be sold in CavSmart Tuesday-Thursday. Pizza will be passed out on Friday Feb. 17th during lunch. Cost will be 50 points for two slices.
We will be out of school on Monday Feb. 20th in honor of Presidents Day.