Siegel Middle Cheer Mandatory Parent Meeting for the 23/24 school year is tomorrow at 6pm in the Auditorium.
Contact Coach Katelyn Conner for more info.
If you are interested in taking a reading and writing skills prep program with the University of TN, stop by guidance to get a flyer and more information.
Last chance to order a yearbook. See the Sigel Middle website to order today!!
6th and 7th graders who are interested in being a Study Bud next school year, you may get an application from Mrs. Slayton in room 702 during non-academic times, or you may ask your homeroom teacher to print on e for you. They can be found in the HUB.
Are you interested in trying out for next years Dance Team? Try out clinics are March 13th, 15th and 16th from all remaining till 5:30 in the gym. Must have Dragon Fly updated and $20 clinic fee to attend. Please see the dance website or Coach Hester in room 107 for questions.
This Friday will be the end of the 3rd 9-weeks and report cards will be given out to take home on March 9th.
Parent Teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, March 14th,
Spring Pictures will be taken on Thursday March 16th.
Spring Break will be the week of March 27th through the 31st. Enjoy!!