
The basketball season is rapidly approaching.  If you are interested in trying out and have not tried out yet, please see Coach Pruitt.  Tryouts will be September 25th.  Please ensure your Final Forms is complete!
FCCLA will have its first meeting of the year today, Tuesday, September 5, 2023, after school in Room 404.  You must have a permission slip to participate.  Packets may be picked up outside Room 404 during non-academic time.  We are recruiting new members from all grade levels.  Come and be part of the journey this year in FCCLA.
NEW CLUB ALERT:  The Arete Club (Ahr-i-tey) is a place where creative people striving for excellence gather!  We will make things and be creative.  There are only 25 spots available, and you must have all your registration papers and materials fee turned in to claim a spot!   For more information visit Ms. Gray's webpage or come by the Art Room - 406A.
Any student interested in joining student council needs to apply by Wednesday, September 6th.  The application can be found on the student council page under the tab New Member application.