The basketball season is rapidly approaching. If you are interested in trying out and have not tried out yet, please see Coach Pruitt. Tryouts will be September 25th. Please ensure your Final Forms is complete!
Our first Gamers meeting is tomorrow, September 13th. Make sure to return a signed permission slip if you want to attend. These are required to attend.
Girls basketball tryouts for anyone wanting to tryout will be Sept 25th from 3:30-5:00. Must have a physical and be registered in Final Forms. Parent meeting to follow.
There are still spots available for the Arete (are-i-tey) Club! If you are a creative type - join us! Last day to bring in permission forms and materials fee is this Friday. Packets available - come by room 406A this week!
History Club meeting will be this Thursday from 3:30-4:30, in Room 208 (Mrs. Nave's room). All students who will attend on Thursday must have a signed permission slip. Please see Mrs. Nave or Mr. Gregory for a permission slip. Parents can pick up students in the back by the baseball field! (200 hallway).