Archery tryouts will be held on November 1st from 3:30 to 5:30 in the cafeteria. You must have a completed physical and a club permission form completed and turned in to Coach Gray before you can tryout. Please see Coach Gray to pick up your permission form during non-academic hours.
HOSA meeting tomorrow in Room 406B until 4:30. We have 2 guest speakers coming!
FCA will not be meeting this Friday. Instead, the club meeting will take place tomorrow, Wednesday morning in the cafeteria parking lot for See You At the Pole. Arrive Anytime between 7:15-7:40.
Lost and found will be donated to Goodwill Thursday, September 28th. If you are missing any items, please check before the 28th. This is not for you to shop! Only take things that are yours!!!
Attention all FCCLA and HOSA members. FCCLA and HOSA will be going on a joint field trip to a one-day Fall Leadership Conference on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. You will have the opportunity to participate in some great sessions and meet students from across Middle Tennessee. Please stop by Room 404 (Mrs. Boone's room) or 406B (Mrs. Yates's room) to pick up your permission slip for our field trip in October. We must confirm our registration by this Friday. Your signed permission slip will hold your spot on the bus.
Science Olympiad is a team competition that focuses on science and engineering tasks. If interested in joining, please see Mrs. Wray or Dr. Campbell in the 200 hallway, or Mr. Adcock in the 400 hallway for a club permission form. We will have an interest meeting on October 12th at 3:30 in Room 207. You must turn in your form prior to attending the meeting.
Fall Carnival Dodgeball and Kickball Tournament sign-ups are located in the cafeteria. Teams will need 10 members to sign up. Team fees are $10 total, that's $1 per team member. The team fee and roster will be due at the time of signing up. The last day to sign up will be tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27th.
Fall Carnival is this Friday, September 29th.
Fall break is next week (10/2 -10/6).