
Boys soccer conditioning starts in December.  Anyone interested in participating must complete all Final Forms.  See Coach Adcock in Room 405A if you have any questions.
Trap Team tryouts are tomorrow, Saturday, November 11th, at Big Springs Clay Target in Christiana.  All paperwork must be turned into Coach Sykes before a student can tryout.  Also, all students must sign up for a tryout spot on the Trap Team webpage.  Any questions, please see Coach Sykes in Room 308.
The Little Mermaid Jr. will have performances today, Friday, November 10th @ 7:00 pm, Saturday, November 11th @ 7:00 pm and Sunday, November 12th @ 2:00 pm.
Cookie dough delivery will be Friday, November 17th.  Please listen carefully as we will have very specific procedures for picking up cookie dough orders.
Students with orders of 6 items or less may carry the orders home on the bus or as a walker.  Students with orders 8 or less items may carry the orders home as a car rider.  Parents cannot pick up cookie dough prior to 3:30.  A school messenger will be sent to parents.  Go ahead and make plans with your parents before next Friday!
Siegel Wrestling had a great showing last night.  The Cavaliers took down Rockvale 60-24.  Then they followed it up with a win over Smyrna 65-18, avenging an earlier loss over the weekend.  Way to go wrestlers!
Reminder, All Drama students should go home at dismissal their regular way. Students in the show should return at call time, 5:30 pm.