Boys soccer conditioning starts in December. Anyone interested in participating must complete all Final Forms. See Coach Adcock in Room 405A if you have any questions.
Cookie dough delivery will be Friday, November 17th. Please listen carefully as we will have very specific procedures for picking up cookie dough orders.
Students with orders of 6 items or less may carry the orders home on the bus or as a walker. Students with orders 8 or less items may carry the orders home as a car rider. Parents cannot pick up cookie dough prior to 3:30. A school messenger will be sent to parents. Go ahead and make plans with your parents before Friday!
We have openings for 7th and 8th grade Fitness classes for Q3 and Q4. We are letting athletes who have already had Fitness Q1 or Q2 take the class again.
All students who are helping with cookie dough delivery will need to come to the library for a meeting with Mrs. Lee after announcements today. You should have received a yellow handout last week.
After a back and forth match with Oakland, the wresting team came out on Top 41-39. It was a great win! The Cavs are back in action Friday beginning at 4:00 pm and continuing Saturday beginning at 8:00 am for the Rutherford County Championship at Siegel High.