
Friday, February 23rd, will be CELEBRATE Friday!  We encourage all students and teachers to wear their mini-school colors or Siegel gear on February 23rd.  Also, we will be CELEBRATING students for good attendance.  All students who do not have any unexcused absences or tardies for the next two weeks beginning tomorrow (February 7th - February 21st) will have his/her name in a drawing for candy!
Lost and Found will be cleaned out and donated on the 20th.  There are a lot of coats.  Please check if you have lost a coat! No shopping!!
The first Tech Tuesday will be on February 20th, from 3:15-5:00.  Any student interested in joining tech crew should attend.  Reminder that you must have a completed extracurricular form to attend!  See Mrs. Beightol (Rm 303) with any questions.
"A" is for America!! There are 237,000 FCCLA members across the United States and its territories.  Middle and high school students in the American Samoa's, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands also participate each year.  Over 17,000 people are helped each year through FCCLA community service projects.
Congratulations!  We reached our school wide goal and raised $2,003.00 for the American Heart Association.  With that being said, all exploratory classes will meet in the gym today for the dodgeball tournament.
Attention rising freshmen, Siegel High School football cheer will have their parent meeting on 3/5/24 at 6:00 pm.  Don't miss out on this opportunity!
No school Monday, February 19th, President's Day.