Please dismiss 6th and 7th grade softball players at 3:00 for their scrimmages at West Wilson.
We will have one last day for math team tryouts tomorrow after school. Please have your ride here by 4:30.
The Beta Club is now accepting new members. Please visit the Siegel Middle Beta Website to learn about our club, see the requirements for joining, and to fill out an application. All applications are due Fri. Feb. 28th.
Congratulations to the Navy Bowling Team on their win yesterday, as well as to Masie Holshoe, Rylan Tibbs, and Mason Petz for bowling new personal bests!!
24/25 Mandatory interest cheer parent meeting on Thursday, March 13th at 6pm in the auditorium. You must attend in order to tryout. Will also have an optional open gym starting on Monday, March 3rd from 4-6 at Legacy Athletics. For more info contact Coach Conner.
High School Cheer for next school year, will be interest mandatory meeting March 6th at 6pm in the SHS Lecture Hall and March 9th at 6pm in Library.