
Science Olympiad meets only Tues. and Weds. this week until 5:00.

Congratulations to Millie Humphress for taking 1st place in the Mossy Oak Archery Tournament this weekend. She placed 1st in the Bullseye tournament and 3D tournament.

High School Football Competition Cheer mandatory interest meeting is March 6th at 6pm in the SHS Lecture Hall. 

Siegel High Dance team interest meeting is March 19th at 6pm in the SHS Library.

Siegel Middle School Football Competition Cheer Squad will have mandatory cheer parent interest meeting on Thursday, March 13th at 6pm in the auditorium. You cannot tryout for cheer if you do not attend the interest meeting. We will also have an optional open gym starting on Monday, March 3rd from 4 to 6 at Legacy Athletics. Stop by Coach Conner's office or call Legacy Athletics for more information! We can't wait to get the new season started!!

Monday March 3rd, we started a very exciting opportunity for all. Siegel Middle is participating in the March Madness Bean stack Reading Challenge. We are competing against Rockvale, Stewarts Creek, Christiana and Rocky Fork middle schools to see who can read the most minutes on average per student in March. Our goal is for each student to read 600 minutes between March 3rd and March 27th. 

600 minutes sounds like a lot but let's break it down. That is only 20 minutes per day. I believe that each of you can read and log 20 minutes per day of independent reading time! Studies show that students who read 20 minutes per day perform better in all subjects and on standardized tests. That is reading ANYTHING you enjoy, not just assigned reading. So, starting today, lets read and log those minutes in Bean stack every day and beat those other schools!