
Please dismiss the Tennis Team at 3:00 for their match today against Blackman. Match starts at 4:00 at Old Fort.
Soccer at Mt. Juliet at 5:30
V-Volleyball vs. WBMS at 4:30
JV Volleyball vs. WBMS at 5:30
September is Attendance Awareness Month!! Special events and rewards are being planned for this month as well as for the rest of the year. Students who are here all day every day in Sept. will be rewarded on Friday, Sept. 28th with a 30 minute break. . Next week, Sept. 10-14, we will have a mini-school attendance competition. The mini-school with the highest attendance percentage will receive a reward on Friday, Sept. 14th. Sept. 17-21st, we will reward the grade-level with the highest attendance percentage on the 21st.
Builders Club is a club that organizes events and fundraising opportunities for various needs within the community and our school. If you are interested in joining our club, get an application outside Mrs. Steward's room (114), or Mrs. Petty's room )312), tomorrow thru next Wednesday. Sept. 7th thru Sept. 12th.
Archery Forms are outside Mr. Gray's classroom. Must have form filled out and physical turned in by Sept. 26th.