Welcome to Ms. Berger’s Social Studies Class!
Hello! Welcome to 7A Social Studies! The lesson plans for the week are below. Any assignments can be found on the Schoology class website! This will help students keep up-to-date with assignments and classwork while they are out.
If you need anything at all, please feel free to contact me using the email below:
Grading Policy:
A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: Below 60
Make-up Work:
Assignments will not be sent home while students are absent. Rutherford County Board of Education policy allows assignments to be made up within 5 days of returning to school. A student who has been absent is responsible for all assignments during the absence.
Re-testing Policy:
Students will have the opportunity to re-test on formal assessments if they did not meet the level of on track (79%). Students may schedule a re-test after completing the re-test requirements. IN order to re-test, students MUST have a signed parent/guardian permission slip signed, as well as test corrections prior to taking the test. Re-tests should take place within 5 days of the original test.