History Club » Welcome!


Thank you for your interest in joining the Siegel Middle School History Club! We are very excited about the opportunity to encourage and inspire students to learn more about history. Our vision for this club is threefold: to provide enrichment, help students discover resources to aid their history studies at Siegel, and grow our community of history aficionados.  


The History Club will have visits from local historians, play trivia, enjoy holiday gatherings and have student opportunities to share their historical interests. 


Our meetings will start promptly at 3:30 in room 208. Students can bring snacks if they would like, with the understanding the room will be left clean. Parents and guardians will pick up students at 4:30 at the end of the B Hall doors.  


Meetings will be held on the following dates- September 14th, October 18th (TBA), November 14th, December 14th. (Note- Club dates are subject to change. Please pay attention on announcements for change of dates)

In order to attend a History Club meeting, all student must have the parent permission filled out. The permission form can be found below or you can see Mrs. Nave in room 208. You cannot attend a meeting without the form. 
Note- There is no cost to join the History Club.