Gina Wray » Welcome


8B Science!
This year we will study a range of subjects from Newton's Three Laws of Motion, magnetism, waves and optics, fossils, and much more!  
Please have one composition notebook dedicated to your science class.  A pencil, graph paper, and loose paper are also a must-have.  Optional but very helpful supplies to have of your own (I will have class sets but it's so nice to have your own if possible!) are colored pencils, a wooden ruler (metric, meaning centimeters), and scissors.




Star on Top of the Tree:

  • Describe 2024 in 1 positive word and color it yellow.

Garland on the Tree:

  • Color depending on which statement best describes how you’ll be spending your winter break.

Red: I’ll be enjoying quality time with friends and family!

Orange: I’ll be sleeping 99% of the time; the other 1% will be spent eating or watching TV/my phone.

Blue: I’ll be depressed because I’ll miss my friends while we’re out!

Purple: I’ll be traveling for a majority of my break to visit family out of town.

Pink: My house will be overtaken by visitors because our family stays with us during the holidays.

  • Ornaments: There are 8 ornaments. Write the answers to the following questions in order (starting from the top and working your way down) in each ornament. Color the ornaments any color you’d like! Make sure you can still read your answers, though!
  1. The first law of motion is also known as the law of ___. 2. For every action there is an ___ but ____ reaction.
  2. In a transverse wave, the medium moves (parallel/perpendicular) to the energy being transferred.

4.True or False: Magnetism is a non-contact force. 5. The liquid layer of the earth is the _______.

  1. The planets orbit around the sun because of this force: _____. 7. ____ is the stretching of light waves to a lower frequency.
  2. An electromagnet must have _____ wrapped around an iron core.

Tree Trunk:

  • Write a one-word topic that was your favorite thing we learned in science this year. For example, “laws of motion.” Then color the trunk brown.

Gifts (write in complete sentences):Gift #1- Favorite school memory Gift #2- Favorite memory of 2024 (doesn’t have to be related to school)

  • Gift #3- One goal for 2025!

Tides Poster Make Up

All this information is found on your foldable we did in class that you glued in your notebook.
Spring Tides:  Two pictures; How many times a month they occur (2), which two phases of the moon cause Spring Tides, and the description of them.
Neap Tides: Two pictures; How many times a month they occur (2), which two phases of the moon cause Neap Tides, and the description of them.