Gina Wray » About Me

About Me

Hello, my name is Gina Wray and I've been teaching science and STEM for over 23 years!  I grew up in Nashville, then moved to "the country" for 10 years, and finally ended up in Murfreesboro as a resident.  I have taught in Tullahoma City Schools and have been in Rutherford County Schools for 16 years.
I went to MTSU on a full scholarship and majored in Biology and minored in education.  I am a BIG believer in the power of education- whether that is a two-year program, four years in a university, or an apprenticeship.  There are post-high school opportunities abounding in this area and taking advantage of those can change your life. 
I live with my husband, our daughter, and our two dogs- a little dachshund Pekingnese mix rescue named Frankie (she is THE BOSS) and a nervous, oversized Sheltie named Fergus. My hobbies include training and playing with the dogs, reading, crafting, watching too much TV, and being outside-whether in my garden, looking through a telescope, or on a hike.