
Rescheduled tryouts will be on September 26th from 4:00-5:30 at Cedar Crest Golf Course. 
It is time for tryouts for the 24-25 Siegel Golf Team!!! I am very excited to continue this journey with you all. Attached to this announcement, you will find a link to a Form. I am asking that this form be filled out NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 24TH. This will allow me time to check students' FinalForms and ensure ranges are available. Tryout times will be communicated in groups. A parent meeting will be held once the roster for the season has been announced. I am looking forward to this season! Lets get going!
Players MUST have their paperwork submitted to FinalForms before practice begins:
Required items:
1. Consent Form
2. Concussion Statement
3. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Agreement
4. Impact Test Consent
5. Birth Certificate
6. Personal Affidavit of Responsibility
7. Transportation Agreement
8. PPE Health History Form
9. PPE Physical Examination Form
10. PPE Medical Eligibility Form 
If you have questions, please email Coach Pruitt ([email protected]). DO NOT CALL THE FRONT OFFICE!
Final Forms information can be found here!
Fast forward is NOT an option. 
Shortcuts and hard work are like oil and water... THEY DON'T MIX.
Golf Update
Coach Pruitt is the new Head Golf Coach. He can be reached at